Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2015

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Note: A minimum of 25 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Zach Biermann
1. Zach Biermann .609
2. Adam Rohlinger .500
3. Sam Mattheis .444
4. Billy Bynum .415
5. Ryan Morrison .400
Plate Appearances PA
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Billy Bynum
1. Billy Bynum 79
2. Adam Rohlinger 76
3. Taylor Koth 76
4. Casey Krohn 72
5. Jed Justman 72
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Adam Rohlinger
1. Adam Rohlinger .627
2. Zach Biermann .600
3. Billy Bynum .506
4. Sam Mattheis .483
5. Taylor Koth .474
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Zach Biermann
1. Zach Biermann 1.991
2. Adam Rohlinger 1.256
3. Billy Bynum 1.122
4. Sam Mattheis 1.039
5. Ryan Morrison 1.006
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Zach Biermann
1. Zach Biermann 1.391
2. Adam Rohlinger .630
3. Billy Bynum .615
4. Ryan Morrison .600
5. Sam Mattheis .556
Note: A minimum of 9 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Original 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Matt Schubert
1. Matt Schubert 0.64
2. Matt Parrent 0.90
3. Tyler Adams 3.21
4. Brandon Mantz 3.37
5. Taylor Koth 3.56
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Original 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Matt Schubert
1. Matt Schubert 0.86
2. Tyler Adams 1.22
3. Matt Parrent 1.30
4. Taylor Koth 1.35
5. Brandon Mantz 2.06
Innings Pitched IP
Original 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Tyler Adams
1. Tyler Adams 53.1
2. Taylor Koth 48.0
3. Matt Schubert 14.0
4. Brandon Mantz 10.2
5. Matt Parrent 10.0
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Original 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Tyler Adams
1. Tyler Adams 20
2. Brandon Mantz 14
3. Taylor Koth 11
4. Matt Schubert 5
5. Matt Parrent 3